Saturday, October 27, 2007

The sound of my indie cred dying

It's Saturday night, and in Rachelville (Rachelstan? Racheltopia?), that means it's time to try to go through my RSS feeds. (Does anybody else feel a tiny sense of quiet desperation at having over 600 items? Or a bizarre sense of guilt at not at least skimming the titles of said items? Just me? Okay.)

Anyway, the highlight so far (aside from a picture of a chipmunk holding a flower on Cute Overload) has been Chicagoist's link to a great 80s video. Is it wrong that I know all the lyrics to a Huey Lewis song? Or that I was genuinely delighted to follow the link and find that it was this? Did you know that you could see Huey Lewis's schlong in the Robert Altman movie Short Cuts? It's true. Everyone talks about Julianne Moore's below-the-belt frontal, but the real news is Huey Lewis. (Ha! That was unintentionally a pun. Sort of. Hey-o!)

On to other things. While watching my new favorite show, Pushing Daisies, I saw an ad for Tonka. In the ad, the voiceover tells us how boys are just built different. They then describe the toy, which contains a shape-sorter (obviously girls won't like this - shapes are closely related to math, and math is hard), a push toy (girls don't like to push things around - except the men in their lives!) and a free-wheeling riding toy (even at 2 years old, a woman driver is a woman driver - and you don't want that in your home). The ad then reminds us that boys are built different. It would be bad enough if there were two versions one yellow and construction-y, and one pink and thus girly, or if they just only showed boys playing with it, but to suggest that the toy is not made for girls is stupid. Not to mention that about half of the babies in the country are girls. Why would they cut out that market share? It made me angry, and I don't want to be angry during Pushing Daisies. (Really, it's awesome, if you're into quirk. Also, there's a male knitter in it, which makes it even more frustrating that the Tonka ad was so egregious.)

That's all for now. By the way, if anyone has found my blog from a search for Huey Lewis's schlong, I'm sorry to disappoint. But keep searching, tiger!

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