Sunday, October 14, 2007

Just a Region Rat without a home

Look, everybody! I did a blog!

I've been feeling the need for a blog for quite some time now, but haven't been able to come up with a name for it. It's an interesting soul search, finding a blog name. It's also a challenge of one's cleverness and wit. Oh, how I wish I could have a cleverly named blog. But unfortunately, the ability to come up with a clever, not too punny name that would stand the test of time was excluded from my gene pool, along with normal height and thick chestnut-colored hair. (To be honest, I don't know what color a chestnut is. But doesn't chestnut color hair sound wonderful? Better than dishwater blonde, at least?)

So clever wit was out. Instead, I turned to descriptiveness. I am a Hoosier. Growing up, that didn't mean much to me. I was born and bred in Hammond, which is in a part of Indiana known within the state as The Region. It's in Indiana physically, but not ideologically. It's highly industrialized, highly polluted and filled with steel mills, factories, and blue-collar liberals. No one I knew enjoyed watching racing, and everybody cheered for Chicago sports teams, even though we claimed to hate FIPs (fucking Illinois people - see also FIBs (f'ing IL bastards) and FIDs (f'ing IL drivers)). But now that I am a FIP, and it's been three years since the husband and I lived in Indiana, and now that we're gearing up for a move next year, most likely out of the area, I'm finding myself identifying more strongly with my Hoosier heritage. And I'm a little sad that I will most likely never live in Indiana again.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I have been a misplaced Hoosier for many years now. I sometimes long to return. I don't know where I will end up. We have been quite nomadic over the last decade.