Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's the opposite of phallic?

I would like to offer kudos to the US Postal Service for its beautiful salute to female anatomy. Oh, they can call it tropical fruit if they'd like. And if it was just the breast-ish kiwi, or the papaya that looks a bit uterine, I could maybe roll with that. And I'll grant that the star fruit just looks floral, and the only womanly link I can think of for the pomegranate is that it looks like it is infested with ladybugs. (Get it? 'Lady' bugs? Ha ha? No? Well, you can't say I didn't try.)

But that guava? I swear that when I saw it on a postcard in the mail, my first thought was "Why is my dentist sending me vaginas*?" (My second thought, in case you're wondering, was "It has to be too soon for another cleaning," but it totally isn't. Yuck.) (I meant my teeth. A cleaning of my teeth, not... never mind.)

*On later reflection, I realized that, technically speaking, it looks like a vulva, but I'm trying to keep the authenticity of the moment.

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