On Saturday, my temporary crown fell out again. That is not a huge deal in and of itself; I would abandon my mouth if I could and I don't expect dental implants to show more loyalty than I do. So I called the dental office's emergency line on Saturday evening and left a message, but no one called back. That was strike 1. I called back again and sent a page. No one called back, not that evening and not Sunday. Strike 2. It wasn't causing any pain as long as I kept it from the cold, so I figured I'd wait till Monday. On Monday when I called, which was after the office had been open for 90 minutes (I was in programs most of the morning), no one was even aware that I had called the emrgency line at all. Strike 3 - you're out a patient.
Actually I was upset, but I would have been somewhat mollified if someone had explained or at least apologized when I came in to get it fixed on Tuesday, but no such luck. I am getting my permanent crowns put in there - they're already paid for - but after that I'm done with that office. Of course, that would be a greater statement if certain Major Life Changes weren't going to force me to find a new dentist anyway, but I can say no more about that right now. (I will say that I almost changed that "force me" to a "force us", but screw the husband and his stupid mouth. Mr. 'You Do Have a Cavity But It's So Small We'll Just Fill It Today Without Novocaine' can tag along to whatever dentist I pick.)
Anyway, my mouth is better for the moment, but my mood seems to have been damaged for the week. Probably not the best condition to enter the annual ritual known as Staff Institute Day, but what can you do? At least this library has the decency to close for the whole day, unlike some other libraries I've worked for. Today was all about self-improvement, as we learned about recycling and did yoga. Actually, it wasn't so bad. The absence of mostacholi nearly gave me a heart attack. I was afraid the midwestern food police were going to burst in and give us a citation. Perhaps we got a pizza exemption. Actually the administration's efforts to force us to interact with people who we don't normally see meant that I only had to bite my tongue a few times around the one person at my workplace who drives me batshit crazy. And really, that's a very good thing - until I get my permanent crown, I am trying to avoid biting anything.
1 comment:
You are hilarious! Your blog makes me laugh. Thanks! Melanie
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