So I was going to talk about my dental adventures, but then I spent an hour trying to figure out what's wrong with the dog (either nothing that a little honey couldn't fix or HE'S GOING TO DIE!!!! depending on which crazy internet person I choose to listen to) and then I spent another hour looking at shoes on Zappos, and then ordering the ones I had put in my cart yesterday. So you are spared for today.
Anyway, I'm actually more inspired to talk about the wonders of being a voting registrar anyway. (Choosing something positive over useless kvetching?!?! Weird, I know.)
I am a registrar for the county I work in, and today was the last day to register to vote before the Illinois primaries, as well as the day of my evening shift. I was a little worried going in, given that my training consisted of this exchange with the head of adult services (HAS):
HAS: Hey, Rachel, are you a registrar?
Me: No.
HAS: You wanna be one?
Me: Sure.
HAS: Sign this.
Me: Okay.
HAS: Read this sacred oath out loud.
Me: Okay.
HAS: Congratulations! You're a registrar.
And that was a year ago. But it turned out well. It turns out that all it takes to be a good registrar is decent penmanship and an ability to fill in forms. And it was so exciting! All these high school kids came in, and several people who had been naturalized recently. It made me all teary-eyed on the way home. I heard on the radio that several New Hampshire polling places ran out of ballots and had to rush to get more, and that record numbers were expected. And apparently we had to get more registration forms today, because we were taken by surprise by the onslaught. So as divided and angry as the country feels politically right now, at least it has brought forth this desire for involvement and participation, and a desire to get off our asses and do something. It's really a beautiful thing. Even if it is sprung from a collected desire to cancel out the votes of everyone we disagree with. So, for today at least, I am very proud to be an American.
(So proud that I'm not even going to discuss how irritated I was by the media discussion of Hilary's 'display of emotion'. She's not my candidate, but for the love of all that's holy, are we still at a point as a nation when a single unfallen tear from an established female politician can get us all talking about women and their hormones being dangerous for international affairs? It's enough to... no, wait, I'm not discussing this.)
And I'm sorry if that song is in your head, but it's in mine too, so there.
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