I am so completely happy today. We're nearing the end of 8 dark years. I spent my day at work fighting the urge to hug people. I kept reminding myself that if I hugged a McCain supporter, it might come off as gloaty, but it's hard to believe that there are people (the majority of my blood relations, in fact) who aren't swept up in the hope and the excitement. I spent my drives to and from work listening to NPR, basking in the glow of being a teeny part of something huge, getting all teary-eyed every time they talked about how momentous Obama's victory is.
The thing that excites me most is that he refused to run a smear campaign. He insisted on responding to assaults on his character with even-keeled discussion of facts and issues. When he said McCain's name at a rally and heard boos, he didn't smirk or egg them on, he said "Don't boo, just register." So freaking classy. Our president is going to be classy!
Also, oh my god! Indiana went Democrat! Not since 1964 has that happened. The husband and I kept saying that we would weep if it did. Neither of us expected to live to see the day. In the end, we didn't weep, since we were sleeping when it finally got called. But as an undergrad, it was always hard to muster up enthusiasm to vote, knowing that there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell of changing Indiana's stripes. But now it matters! Go Lake County!
Now Obama's just got to stay safe and alive. I have heard several people comment on his safety today. I was in the shower when the husband said he was going to give his first speech as president elect (which was beautiful, by the way - our president is going to be eloquent!), and my stomach lurched. It feels like we're about to enter another FDR era. I so hope that's the case, and I'm so excited to get to see it, but I've gotta say I'm scared shitless that it's going to be more like JFK.
But now is not the time to dwell on negativity. Now is the time to be positive! And on second thought, the thing that makes me most excited is that once again, I am truly proud to be an American. I can reclaim my patriotism without reclaiming an ideology based on fear, hatred, and intolerance of those who aren't like me. So in that spirit, maybe tomorrow I will hug a McCain supporter. Or at least smile and nod. Because, like it or not, we're all in this together, and the rift-healing has to start somewhere.